Jueves 13| 12:00| LCE 2
13| 12:00| LCE 2
Espejos 2024

Nation Estate

Larissa Sansour | 2012 | 9′
Nation Estate Larissa Sansour, Soren Lind
Nation Estate is a 9-minute sci-fi short film offering a clinically dystopian, yet humorous approach to the deadlock in the Middle East. With a mixture of computer generated imagery, live actors and arabesque electronica, Nation Estate explores a vertical solution to Palestinian statehood. In Sansour’s film, Palestinians have their state in the form of a single skyscraper: the Nation Estate. One colossal high-rise houses the entire Palestinian population – now finally living the high life.
Spanish Premiere

program information

Día: Jueves 13 Junio
Hora: 12:00
Sede: LCE

program information

Día: Jueves 13 Junio
Hora: 12:00
Sede: LCE
Ficha técnica

Directors: Larissa Sansour Script: Soren Lind Producer: William Dybeck Cinematography: Jesper Tøffner Editor: Henrik Bach Christensen Cast: Larissa Sansour, Leila Sansour, Maxim Sansour


Critical text

In her unusual and sublime sci-fi trilogy, Larissa Sansour delved into the dystopian to depict the future Palestinian existence in an alienating and agonising abyss, further and further away from their homeland. The first part, Space Exodus (2008), imagined the arrival of the first Palestinian on the moon, configuring the satellite as a forced destination for a people without a homeland or help on Earth. This was followed by Nation Estate (2012) —now with Søren Lind as co-director— which took a humorous prism to show another delirious solution to the conflict: the location of all Palestinians in an immense skyscraper, a high-flying ghetto, isolated from the rest of humanity but caressing the infinity of the sky. He closed the triptych In the Future, They Ate From the Finest Porcelain (2016), set in a devastated Palestine, in which a group of resistance fighters bury porcelain crockery that will serve as vestiges of a people that existed, the memory preserved in the face of systematic destruction and global neglect. It is terrifying that Sansour's sophisticated and imaginative apocalyptic works stand as the most realistic and lucid reflections on the situation in the Middle East today. The duo then delved into the trauma of an identity in the abyss marked by exile and diaspora with In Vitro (2019) and the eternal intergenerational union of the Palestinian people in As If No Misfortune Had Occurred in the Night (2022). JAVIER H. ESTRADA

Nation Estate Larissa Sansour, Soren Lind


LARISSA SANSOUR (East Jerusalem, 1973) is a Palestinian filmmaker and multidisciplinary artist based in London. Her work, which has had a notable international impact, combines reflection on the colonisation of Palestine with significant amounts of humour, science fiction and fantasy.

SØREN LIND (Denmark, 1970) is a writer and multidisciplinary artist whose works, many of them signed with Larissa Sansour, have been exhibited at the Venice Biennale and the MoMA, as well as at festivals such as Rotterdam and the Berlinale.

with the assistance of:

Europa Creativa media
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Llama filmadrid
10th Edition

11 – 16JUNIO 2023

Llama filmadrid
10th Edition

11 – 16 JUNIO 2024

Viernes 14 de Junio

Sábado 15 de Junio

Domingo 16 de Junio