InicioCall for entries


FILMADRID is a platform that allows filmmakers and audiovisual artists to showcase their work and share their unique vision with the world. If you have a film that fits our guidelines, send us your work!

FILMADRID was created to promote film among professionals, the media and the general public. All editions of the festival take place in June in Madrid, in various cinemas and cultural spaces in the city. FILMADRID's programs are open to all nationalities, genres, lengths and film formats and aim to offer a selection of quality, independent and innovative cinema and visual arts from around the world.

FILMADRID's calls for entries create an inclusive and diverse space where any filmmaker can submit their film regardless of their previous track record. To submit a film to FILMADRID, the film and the completed online entry form must be sent to the festival before the indicated deadline. The festival will not consider film entries for which the selection screenings have not been submitted by the deadline. The festival kindly asks you to read carefully the rules of submission and participation of each of the calls for entries.

Filmadrid festival internacional de cine


Convocatoria 2024

A competition with the most daring and original works of the last year, all of them unpublished in Spain. Films of all lengths, genres, formats and nationalities participate. The Official Section of FILMADRID has become one of the key platforms for the discovery and promotion of contemporary talent in Spain.

The Video Essay

Section dedicated to the Video Essay organized in collaboration with the prestigious film website and video-on-demand platform, MUBI. The selected works are shown as individual publications in Notebook, the daily online edition of MUBI. These works are also exhibited in an in-person screening during the festival. The selection of works is made jointly by MUBI and FILMADRID programmers.

General requirements

  • Submission: In order to be admitted to the selection, both the online entry form and the selection screener must have been received by FILMADRID within the deadlines mentioned in the terms and conditions. The registration of a film does not automatically imply its inclusion in the festival program.
  • Deadline for submission: Check the rules of each year. The calls are usually open between April and May of the year of each edition.
  • Registration of films in FILMADRID is free of charge.
  • Date of completion of the films: Entries to participate in FILMADRID are open to works whose world premiere was after January of the previous year. Resubmissions are not accepted.
  • Premiere condition: priority is given to state premieres; however, a Madrid premiere is a prerequisite.
  • Categories: FILMADRID accepts films of all nationalities, genres, lengths and film formats, but not industry films or commercials. "FILMADRID is a unique platform for filmmakers to showcase their work and share their unique vision with the world."

Do you have any other questions?

Write us at . We will respond as soon as possible.

with the assistance of:

Europa Creativa media
Logo Filmadrid
Llama filmadrid
10th Edition

11 – 16JUNIO 2023

Llama filmadrid
10th Edition

11 – 16 JUNIO 2024

Viernes 14 de Junio

Sábado 15 de Junio

Domingo 16 de Junio