Domingo 11 | 10:30 | LCE
D.11 | 10:30 | LCE
Nuevos Pasajes, Nuevas Visiones 2023

Vuelta a Riaño

Miriam Martín | 2023 | 15′
Cartel vuelta a riaño
Images taken from the ground versus images taken from the sky. Words from neighbours and supporters versus official speeches. People who don't want to move, "just like the pine tree by the riverbank". A valley turned into a swamp. The class struggle is underground... and underwater.

program information

Día: Domingo 11 Junio
Hora: 10:30
Sede: LCE
Vuelta a Riaño
Miriam Martín cineasta filmadrid 2023


Miriam Martín has devoted her entire adult life and part of her previous one to film. First as a spectator, then as a programmer in various institutions: MNCARS, MUSAC, CA2M and Punto de Vista (the festival). For almost six years she organised the Chantal film-club, a weekly aesthetic and political experiment.

with the assistance of:

Europa Creativa media
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Logo Filmadrid
Llama filmadrid
10th Edition

11 – 16JUNIO 2023

Llama filmadrid
10th Edition

11 – 16 JUNIO 2024

Viernes 14 de Junio

Sábado 15 de Junio

Domingo 16 de Junio