Prod: Sofía Peypoch. Guion, Textos y Foto: Sofía Peypoch. Diseño sonoro: Francisco Gómez Guevara. DCP: Clemente Castor.
Espejo: La tierra los altares
Projected with La tierra los altares
program information
program information
Prod: Sofía Peypoch. Guion, Textos y Foto: Sofía Peypoch. Diseño sonoro: Francisco Gómez Guevara. DCP: Clemente Castor.
Critical text
A year before la tierra los altares Sofia Peypoch also explored the relations between body and image at tornen lágrimas a incendios. Filmed with a phone camera, the Mexican filmmaker explores nightlife images of a landscape through the pixel. Digital and nature become consequently one, with the body as a mediator. The subject melts with the environment itself and we find the poetical within mundane. The short film sets off with the words “This is a collection of instants perpetuated by your absence” and ends with the pixeled image of a body laying on a bed. The vision of home is surrounded by darkness, and silence hides the word. The power of image is found within the no-image, within what the camera cannot capture/recognise, within the record of night and what cannot be seen at it. tornen lágrimas a incendios is a proposition as corporeal as ethereal, an ode to the body (in and out of frame), or, quoting Peypoch, “a pointless exercise about the incapability of explaining to someone else what is like living in a body”. DANIELA URZOLA
SOFIA PEYPOCH (Mexico City) is a visual artist who combines film, photography, ceramic sculpture and found objects in her work. Her first feature film, earth altars (2023) was screened and awarded at DocLisboa 2023.
11 – 16JUNIO 2023
11 – 16 JUNIO 2024