Miércoles 7 | 20:00 | Cineteca
7 | 20:00 | Cineteca
Las revelaciones del cine europeo. Smart7 2023

Black Stone

Spiros Jacovides | 2022 | 87′
Black Stone Spiros Jacovides smart7 filmadrid 2023
While shooting a documentary about “missing” civil servants a filmmaking duo stumble upon Charoula, a desperate, overprotective Greek mother searching for her missing civil servant son. But when his name is linked to government fraud with a foreign female accomplice, Charoula sets out her other, disabled son, Lefteris to clear his name. With the help of a Greek African taxi driver and a less than helpful antifa group of misfits, the documentary duo follow Charoula on her quest to find and bring him back home where he belongs, even if it means discovering who her son really is.
Spanish Premiere
Logo Smart7
Logo Europa Creativa Media

program information

Día: Miér 7 Junio
Hora: 20:00
Sede: Cineteca
Black Stone Spiros Jacovides smart7 filmadrid 2023
Black Stone de Spiros Jacovides. Smart7
Ficha técnica

Eleni Kokkidou, Julio George Katsi, Kevin Zans Ansong, Achilleas Chariskos

Script by:
Spiros Jacovides, Ziad Seeman

Andre Lascaris

Editing By:
Ioanna Pogiantzi

Nikos Exarchos

Maria Kontogianni

Production Company:
Steficon S.A.

Critical text

Spiros Jacovides’ new film starts out as a documentary about ghost civil servants in Greece, but ends following the daily life of Haroula, Panos’ mother, a “disappeared” civil servant. While she refuses to believe that Panos has abandoned them, she keeps taking care of her other son, Lefteris, who suffers from a chronic illness and paraplegia. The mockumentary leads into a tragicomic search for Panos, addressing issues such as racism and xenophobia, while exploring the complex mother-son relationship. CLÁUDIA MALHEIROS CLÁUDIA MALHEIROS

Spiros Jacovides cineasta


Spiros Jacovides Spiros Jacovides was born in London and studied Directing at Stavrakou Film School after having completed his Film Studies degree at the London College of Printing. In 1998 he attended the German Academy of Film in Berlin (DFFB) as a guest student. Since 2000, Spiros worked as A.D. in various TV Commercials. Currently he writes, produces and directs TVCs, Web Ads, Short Docs, Corporate videos and Video Clips. He has written and directed three short films. “Black Stone” is his first feature film.

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