Domingo 11 | 10:30 | LCE
D.11 | 10:30 | LCE
Nuevos Pasajes, Nuevas Visiones 2023

An Ode to a Loved Bread

Neema Ngelime | 2022 |11′
An Ode to a Loved Bread
Special Mention at the Oberhausen Festival, the film examines from a playful and creative perspective the director's time at a colonial legacy boarding school, and how it shaped her relationship to food, body, and identity.

program information

Día: Domingo 11 Junio
Hora: 10:30
Sede: LCE
An Ode to a Loved Bread
Neema Ngelime cineasta
Portrait of Neema Ngelime


Neema is a documentary photographer and filmmaker who finds beauty in the everyday through an experimental lens. As an Erasmus+ scholarship recipient, she completed the DocNomads MA in Documentary Directing in 2021, studying in Portugal, Hungary, and Belgium. Neema celebrates the existence of beauty within the African diaspora through her work, which has been showcased at esteemed film festivals, including IDFA, Beldocs, the London Short Film Festival, and the New York African Film Festival.

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Europa Creativa media
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Llama filmadrid
10th Edition

11 – 16JUNIO 2023

Llama filmadrid
10th Edition

11 – 16 JUNIO 2024

Viernes 14 de Junio

Sábado 15 de Junio

Domingo 16 de Junio