Sábado 10 | 22:30 | Casa de Campo
S.10 | 22:30 | Casa de Campo
Vanguardias Live 2023

No veo por qué no - Oficina de cine descartado

Julián Génisson | 2023
VanguardiasLive Julián Génisson
No veo por qué no — Oficina de cine descartado
Filmographies are made up of both the films one makes and those that, for whatever reason, one will never be able to make: they are too expensive or rare, they are illegal, technically or materially impossible, someone else has come up with a similar idea, we have become discouraged or older, they have been erased or lost, etc. In this session we will tell -and partially recreate with infracinematographic resources- some of these unrealizable films. Julián Génisson

program information

Day: Saturday 10 Junio
Hora: 22:30
Sede: Casa de Campo
VanguardiasLive Julián Génisson
Julián Génisson
©Óscar Fernández Orengo


Born in 1982, studies philosophy, sets up the audiovisual collective Canódromo Abandonado with Lorena Iglesias and Aaron Rux, makes videos and films (La tumba de Bruce Lee, Esa sensación, Inmotep), writes, etc.

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Llama filmadrid
10th Edition

11 – 16JUNIO 2023

Llama filmadrid
10th Edition

11 – 16 JUNIO 2024

Viernes 14 de Junio

Sábado 15 de Junio

Domingo 16 de Junio