Domingo 11 | 10:30 | LCE
D.11 | 10:30 | LCE
Nuevos Pasajes, Nuevas Visiones 2023

Bonding Humanity (Perhaps Manifesto)

Nina Bačun | 2021 | 11′
Bonding Humanity (Perhaps Manifesto)
This film was created by deliberately rearranging and juxtaposing fragments from New Yugoslav Film related to the interaction between collective spaces and their use. Personal, social and political contexts intersect into a dialogic narrative form that advances possibilities for new interpretations by blurring the boundaries between architectural and urban investigation and cinematic experimentation.

program information

Estreno en España
Día: Domingo 11 Junio
Hora: 10:30
Sede: LCE
Bonding Humanity (Perhaps Manifesto)
Nina Bačun


Nina Bačun, a multifaceted designer, researcher, and educator exploring the domains of speculative/conceptual design, exhibition/set design, and film art/visual communications. She uses holistic and transdisciplinary approaches as seen in her work within the Oaza* collective from Zagreb, Croatia. She is currently exploring the intersections of design, architecture, the built environment, and the moving image within the doctoral program of Architecture and Urban Planning in Zagreb.

with the assistance of:

Europa Creativa media
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Llama filmadrid
10th Edition

11 – 16JUNIO 2023

Llama filmadrid
10th Edition

11 – 16 JUNIO 2024

Viernes 14 de Junio

Sábado 15 de Junio

Domingo 16 de Junio